昨天參加的一場”Accademia del Barolo”主辦,Decanter協辦的品酒會,主講人是Decanter雜誌的義大利專家Ian D’Agata。Ian相當風趣,他提到Nebbiolo是最能傳達產區風土的葡萄品種之一。但會中他也提到,有時因為他自己一天到晚都在講 Nebbiolo,很怕因為講多了,自己真的「被說服」而認為「Barolo各區的Nebbiolo『真的』嘗起來很不同」。因此他也特別問與會人士是否 真嘗得出各區的不同。
對沒有嘗過夠多Barolo到足以下結論的我而言,將兩個小時內所品嘗約十五款Barolo,最後將自己所喜歡的風格與口感對照其產區,確實有較為偏好的區域(如我比較能欣賞來自西邊La Morra與Barolo較為陰柔風格的酒款,對Serralunga d’Alba普遍陽剛型的還需要一些時去接受)。
*題外話:倫敦Oxford Circus(品酒會場地附近)大illy咖啡店的摩卡真好喝~
酒單與筆記如下: 1. Azelia, Margheria, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Serralunga d’Alba] (UK Importer: Justerini & Brooks) Pale garnet, very perfumed, red berries, firm tannins, hint of coffee, long finish.
2. Cordero di Montezemolo, Monfalletto, Barolo DOCG 2010 [La Morra] (ABV:14%; RRP: £37; UK Importer: Eurowines) Riper than Azelia (previous wine), fruitier, sour cherries, tannins less gripping, juicy on the palate. So-called “modern style”.
3. Damilano, Cannubi, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Barolo] (ABV:14%) Biggest producer in Cannubi. Also famous for having five best restaurants in the area. Pale garnet. Quite floral, gripping tannins, sour cherries, raspberries, juicy finish.
4. Franco Martinetti, Marasco, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Serralunga d’Alba] Founded by Franco Maria Martinetti who was in advertising before making his own wine in 1974. Lots of obvious red cherries on the nose and palate. Hint of mocha finish. Left it for 30 mins and then came back to the wine, the aroma became even more pungent than before. Amazing. (2003 is very soft and supple on the palate, very approachable.)
5. Michele Chiarlo, Cerequio, Barolo DOCG 2010 [La Morra] (ABV: 14%; RRP: £70; UK Importer: Hallgarten Drutti & Novum Wines) Own 2 ha in Cannubi. Tabacco and minty on the nose. Wines matured in large tonneau and old French oak barrels.
6. Poderi Gianni Gagilardo, Preve, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Serralunga d’Alba] (ABV:14.5%; RRP: £24.50; UK Importer: Fine & Rare) Leafy and minty, gripping tannins, need time to develop. (In Lazzarito, a less known vineyard with potential)
7. Paolo Scavino, Bricco Ambrogio, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Roddi] Very minty, perfumed, supple, firm tannins, less complex, but easier and more approachable.
8. Pio Cesare, Ornato, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Serralunga d’Alba] (ABV:14.5%; RRP: £70) The only wine estate left in Alba town centre. Roses, perfumed, a bit minty and leafy, tannic, but obvious red fruit on the palate.
9. Poderi Luigi Einaudi, Terlo ‘Vigna Costa Grimaldi’, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Barolo] (ABV:14%; RRP: £41; UK Importer: Lea & Sandeman)Famous for Dolcetto (difficult variety to grow). Softer, perfumed, cherries, firm tannins, lovely, finish with some coffee. (Cannubi Barolo 2010: quite supple and approachable)
10. Prunotto, Bussia, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Monforte d’Alba] (ABV:13.5%; RRP: £72; UK Importer: Berkmann Wine Cellars) In the heart of Barolo, very feminine, perfumed, well balanced on the palate with fine and silky tannins, juicy finish. Very elegant and approachable now. (Part of Antinori family)
11. Vietti, Lazzarito, Barolo DOCG 2010 [Serralunga d’Alba] (ABV:14%; RRP: £130; UK Importer: Bibendum Wines) 25 days skin maceration, deep, good structure. Long aging potential, firm tannins, elegant on the palate. (Vietti also make great Barbera)