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Faults Nosing Kit - 30 Aroma Training System

Identifying Faults in Spirits, Beers & Wines is critically important for producers and connoisseurs.

The Aroma Academy Faults Kit provides a set of reference Aroma Standards and guidance in developing Recognition Skills.

The Faults Aroma Kit contains

  • 30 Aroma samples  - developed by the leading Aroma Scientist Dr George Dodd - covering the spectrum of most common Aroma/Flavour Faults  found in Spirits, Beers & Wines.
  •  An introduction to Detection & Recognition thresholds.
  •  A Booklet guide.    
  •  Blank Aroma Strips.    

The Aroma Kit

  • Allows you to develop your Aroma Recognition Skills and your Faults  identification knowledge and expertise at the pace that suits you best.
  •  Is an excellent “Self Learn” tool for individuals, groups or small teams.
  •  Guides you every step of the way following a very simple, methodical, yet extremely effective process!

Faults Nosing Kit - 30 Aroma Training System

    1. Acetaldehyde
    2. Acetic Acid 
    3. Antiseptic/Medicinal
    4. Burnt Rubber
    5. Butter 
    6. Cheesy/Vomit
    7. Earthy
    8. Estery (Banana Like)
    9. Fusel Oil
    10. Garlic/Onion
    11. Grassy (Excessive)
    12. Green Bell Pepper (IBMP)
    13. Green Vegetable (Excessive)
    14. Lactic Taint (Off Butter)
    15. Leather/Farmyard
    16. Metallic
    17. Mushroom
    18. Oxidation (Generic)
    19. Phenolic(Generic)
    20. Rotten Egg (H2S)
    21. Smoky
    22. Solventy
    23. Spicy
    24. Sulphur (Generic)
    25. TCA Level 1
    26. TCA Level 2
    27. TCA Level 3
    28. TCA Level 4
    29. Wet Dog
    30. Woody (Excessive)



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